🕹️ Features

Our Intercom integration allows you to:

  1. Sync HeadsUp fields into Intercom attributes
    1. The sync will occur daily to ensure fields are updated with the latest values.
    2. This can be done to both the Contacts and Company objects.
  2. Lookup specific objects with our Chrome extension right inside Intercom.

🔒 Connection & Authentication

We connect to Intercom using Oauth.

How to connect

  1. Log in and then click on the Settings page on the left-hand side menu bar.


  2. Click Connect under the Intercom destination box.


  3. Authenticate into Intercom and accept the permissions requested.

  4. Identify which Object you want HeadsUp to map to.

    1. To enable the auto-lookup functionality in the Chrome extension, please map HeadsUp Users and Intercom Contacts using the Email ****field.


  5. That’s it! 🎉

❓ FAQs